Saturday, April 19, 2008

Her Speaking Soul

She loves you.
You are a taste upon Her lips.
The afterglow of Her desire,
a memory She relives
as poetry

-try to feel Her
loving you out of yourself
as a word
birthed from
Her speaking Soul.

Friday, April 11, 2008

She Will Come

When your fingertips
become pure devotion.
When your skin
opens its prayer book
She will come to you
half-dressed like your hands.
She will fit the shape
of your longing
like a flower
becomes a glove for the sky.


Medium: pencil and ash on paper

Artist: Pushkaraj Shirke

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Painter

It is late at night
but I am doing my best
to paint Your picture.
Hands fly away
come back with Your scent.
Eyes go blind
then return as the light
behind Your face.
It is late at night
the fire of the world
is an ember within my breath.
I am painting Your presence
with my body
rolling within the waves
of a single pulse
daubing beautiful suns
onto the darkness.
I am doing my best
to picture You
into a space
that can be held
in the heart
like a portrait of love.

Stars & Fronds

She comes out of the flesh
where a million sea fronds
swim together as a mind.

When the Goddess steps back
into the world to look at you,
you disappear from yourself.

Inside the universe
there are endless stars,
each one is an atom
of consciousness

but when She steps outside
of all there is
what you become
is Her looking-
only Her looking.